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A Touch of Normal

One of the things I get asked a lot is, “Are things back to normal?” The quick most accurate answer is the one no one wants to hear. No, things are not back to normal. But rarely do I feel at liberty to say that there are still things that are hard, still...


You know when you were a teenager and every time you turned around your wardrobe didn’t fit because you were suddenly three inches taller or twenty pounds heavier or now you had hips? That’s what I currently feel like. My body has taken quite the beating...

Graduation – Another “End”

It’s a bit early for graduation season and yet yesterday I graduated. You see, yesterday I went to my six month post-radiation follow-up appointment and after a quick exam and lots of questions. my radiologist decided that she no longer needs to see me for...

What a Road Trip

I could have driven to California and part way home. Yes, you read that correctly. The mileage Andy or I drove to and from appointments, scans and treatments in 2023 amounted to more than a road trip to California. Maybe I should back up. About two weeks ago Andy and...

Walking Back In

It’s been a while since my last update. Now that I’m not spending as many days at doctor’s offices or in the car running to appointments, I am back to doing all the things and that means less sitting and writing. I still have a lot to say about this...