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I forgot to pack red sparkly shoes when I went to the hospital for surgery. Thankfully having my black shoes with some silver threads woven in worked out just as well and after repeating “there’s no place like home” at least three times, I was able to come home before lunch on Friday! By that time I had met with countless therapists, doctors, nurses and other support staff and I think I may have been driving them a bit nuts because I wasn’t needing anything and more often than not I was walking around my hospital room when they walked in to check on me.

Since being home, I have not taken any pain medication, I have been able to take several decently long walks around the neighborhood and I have gone to church for today’s morning service. I am trying to be smart and not overdo it but I also want to be moving around to help my body heal. It is frustrating that there are things that I can’t do, especially since I feel really good. For example, I’m having to ask for help to get down a plate at meal times or to shut the van door if it is all the way open or to bring me my laptop. Amazingly though, I am able to get myself completely around in the mornings and evenings including doing my own hair. Before church this morning, I decided that I wanted to wear my wig and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to put it on let alone style it once it was on. It was a long and slow process but I was absolutely capable of doing it myself.

Our next step is to meet with my team of doctors on Thursday. At that time, we will learn more about the next steps and see what restrictions I will have for the next few weeks. We will also go through the pathology report from the surgery. My surgeon has already talked through it with me some and according to her it is a great result but like I said we’ll get a chance to understand it a bit more during Thursday’s appointment.

We are rejoicing in so many ways for God’s provision through the surgery and the recovery so far. My lack of pain has been mind boggling. The positive path report is incredible. The help both sets of parents have provided has been much needed. The kindness of our church and friends, heartwarming. As you continue to pray for us, some specifics you can be praying about include: the healing of my incisions, rest as I’m not sleeping well, that it will be clear to the doctors when my surgical drains should be removed and that the boys will settle in a bit and remember not to crash into me. Thank you for continuing to walk this journey alongside us.