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Graduation – Another “End”

It’s a bit early for graduation season and yet yesterday I graduated. You see, yesterday I went to my six month post-radiation follow-up appointment and after a quick exam and lots of questions. my radiologist decided that she no longer needs to see me for...

The More You Know

During this journey we’ve learned that the doctors really don’t tell you a whole lot. They give you the basics and the things they are required to tell you by law but in general you’re on your own or you’re in the dark. Anyone who knows me...

AN End but Not THE End

Today marks AN end in this journey but it is far from THE end of the journey. As my oncologist reminded us yesterday, this is a marathon not a sprint or even a distance run. While I may have completed all of my in office/hospital treatments for this battle, I have...

Kandis, You are beautiful

I mindlessly scrolled through the current news feed on my phone while I sat on the beach at Lake Erie, the sun shining across the water… the headline of an article caught my attention: “Sometimes, It Makes Me Cry”: Once Hailed as the Epitome of Human Physique,...


Kandis went in almost as strong as ever. Good blood counts. Feeling good. We were cleared for treatment. The Dr. feels Kandis is so strong they changed to a different standard of care. 8 weeks every other week instead of the 12 weeks every week that we were initially...