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I feel like I have a sunburn all over my head – I don’t. This must be what everyone talks about before their hair falls out. Pressure is the only thing that helps. Can I just press on my head all day? Seriously, this is painful and distracting.

I’m not afraid of losing my hair. I don’t know how I’ll react when it actually happens but for now it is not causing me anxiety. I have my wig ready and I have a variety of hats that I can choose from if I don’t want to wear my wig.

It seems so strange to me that I’m feeling this; yet, I don’t have any hair coming out in my hands or in my brush. From what I am reading and what the doctors said, it should be happening soon. Once this feeling starts it doesn’t usually go away until all of the hair releases.

Today, I’m praying for focus and I’d love to have you praying alongside me.