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Kandis’ blood counts were 100% going into this one! Praise God! Prayer works. Keep praying!

In one of the early meetings we were told this type of cancer is not as responsive to chemo. The oncologist felt the tumor is measurably smaller according to what I would call a highly subjective check with a tape measure. She remarked, “after only one treatment” and seemed surprised at the measurement. We’ll take it!

The nurse today was on it! Before a machine could beep for attention, she was there in wait. She got us in and out with the utmost of efficiency.

Kandis can tell when there are about 20 minutes of chemo left – everything goes into a fog. She held up decent until about 2 and now she’s out.

Last time the worst day was treatment day. She also took the supportive drugs as prescribed for the following several days and that had her incoherent for 18 hours each time. They have suggested she try half dosing this time. Please be praying with me that the chemo is poison to every cancer cell in her body but only water to every good cell in her body, that she has no nausea, and can hold a conversation.

Yes, I did use the oxford comma there (those of you who know me know)… ok, fine, sometimes the oxford comma is appropriate. It was warranted in that particular sentence 🙂