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In the Green

Appointments and blood work are still part of many if not all months of our reality. For being someone who went to any doctor’s office maybe twice a year total to someone who goes nearly every month if not more often, it still feels weird. Anyway, I’ve...

A Touch of Normal

One of the things I get asked a lot is, “Are things back to normal?” The quick most accurate answer is the one no one wants to hear. No, things are not back to normal. But rarely do I feel at liberty to say that there are still things that are hard, still...

Graduation – Another “End”

It’s a bit early for graduation season and yet yesterday I graduated. You see, yesterday I went to my six month post-radiation follow-up appointment and after a quick exam and lots of questions. my radiologist decided that she no longer needs to see me for...

Hair Troubles

This time last year I was struggling with losing my hair due to chemo treatments. The hair I missed the most was the hair in my nose. It is amazing how much that hair assists you in your day to day life and on top of that losing that hair meant the loose nose hairs...

Another Big Day!

In my last post I mentioned that I was hoping to get my port out soon. It has served me well during chemo and for blood work leading up to my surgery but since the VERY beginning of July it hadn’t been used. And while it doesn’t hurt to have in, it is...