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A Touch of Normal

One of the things I get asked a lot is, “Are things back to normal?” The quick most accurate answer is the one no one wants to hear. No, things are not back to normal. But rarely do I feel at liberty to say that there are still things that are hard, still...

AN End but Not THE End

Today marks AN end in this journey but it is far from THE end of the journey. As my oncologist reminded us yesterday, this is a marathon not a sprint or even a distance run. While I may have completed all of my in office/hospital treatments for this battle, I have...
How Much Summer Can You Cram Into 5 Weeks?

How Much Summer Can You Cram Into 5 Weeks?

My last chemo treatment was June 1st and within a week after that last treatment we were able to schedule surgery for July 6th. Once we had a solid date, Andy and I decided to see how much summer we could cram into the five weeks between the two dates. And looking...

It’s Coming Back and Next Steps

Though my last chemotherapy treatment isn’t even two weeks in my past, my hair has already started to come back. Most people would still be losing their hair but I’m beginning to believe that nothing about this process has been normal for me. My new hair...

Pockets of Normal

There is a thin line between being grateful for the support and help people are willing to give you during something like this and feeling like you’ve been rendered completely useless. I know that we need help with dinner several nights each treatment week. I...